The members of Faith Immanuel Church believe that we are called to minister to God’s children throughout the world. Our mission programs encompass a wide range of activities including funding for various local charities and the worldwide mission work of the Presbyterian Church USA, which provides disaster relief, development assistance, and missionary support throughout the world. Faith Immanuel members also volunteer within our local community.
As Christians, we follow Christ’s example of feeding the hungry and helping the needy. Faith Immanuel Church is one of the participating churches in the Downtown Daily Bread program that provides hot meals, as well as used clothing and other basic necessities for those in need in central Harrisburg.
Two groups of volunteers from Faith Immanuel have been helping to serve meals at the Downtown Daily Bread soup kitchen on designated Mondays and Tuesdays for many years.
Five members of Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church volunteer to deliver meals each week for Meals On Wheels, a program that provides well-balanced lunches and hot dinners to seniors who qualify because of physical, mental, or emotional disability, and those without a caregiver who is able to provide meals on a regular basis.
The local charities supported by Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church include Delta Community, Lend-A-Hand, Perry County Food Bank, and Thomas Holtzman Adopt-A-Family Food Bank.
Mission Statement and Programs
The September Mission A Month is the Central Dauphin School District NutriPacks food program. NutriPacks is a direct food distribution program for any food insecure student in the Central Dauphin School District. Backpacks for enrolled students are loaded weekly with nutritious meals and snacks for weekends and extended breaks throughout the school year. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed! FIPC has a number of volunteers involved in this program. NutriPacks works in partnership with the Central PA Food Bank and the Midwest Food Bank to provide support during school closure and the summer months.
Listed below are the items needed (PLEASE, NO GLASS)
*Rice (Boxes or Packets)
*Jelly (Strawberry, or Grape / 20 oz. plastic)
*Mashed Potatoes (Boxed or Packets)
*Canned Tuna
*Canned Pasta Sauce
*Peanut Butter (28 oz.)
*Juice drink boxes or bottles (11.5 oz. – plastic)
Please bring your donations to the Church by September 30. If you would rather make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to the Church and note on the memo line “CD NutriPacks”. God bless you for your donations and your support.
2024 MISSION A MONTH Calendar:
The Mission Committee announces the 2024 Mission a Month calendar at Faith Immanuel. Each nonprofit provides a “wish list” of their most needed items. Copies of their “wish lists” will be available in the gathering area each month. Please, you are requested to only donate items they request.
January: Dental clinic at Bethesda Mission
February: Souper Bowl of Caring in support of HANNA’s Pantry
March: One Great Hour of Sharing (Presbytery) Easter offering (nonprofit to be determined)
April: Krislund’s Annual Fund Appeal to raise essential operating funds to ensure that Krislund continues to thrive as a place of growth and inspiration to everyone attending camp. (Monetary donations only)
May: Delta House
June: Paxton Ministries
July: Lebanon Veteran’s Administration Medical Center
August/ or September: Central Dauphin Schools NutriPaks Program. A determination will be made as to which month is best after speaking with the school district.
October: CROP Walk (Monetary donations only)
November: Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child
December: Christmas offering (nonprofit to be determined)
The Mission Committee continues to work to assist local nonprofit organizations as they assist those in need in our community. If you have a suggestion of a local nonprofit, please feel free to contact Carrie Barnes. Anyone who would like to join the Mission Committee as a member is encouraged to also contact Carrie. New ideas and suggestions are always welcome!
Meals on Wheels
Members of Faith Immanuel continue to volunteer weekly for Meals On Wheels, a program that provides well-balanced lunches and hot dinners to seniors who qualify because of physical, mental, or emotional disability, and those without a caregiver who is able to provide meals on a regular basis.